pew pew
dessert level
cant recall what this was even fore
Peggle world concept
idea was restoring color to a sepia world. was a 20 minute arts but it always struck me.
a pic for a folio with vega and some others. its not from anything, just a cool pic.
i am writing in underlined awsomeness for some reason. anyways, this is a memorial type thing for a freind of many people who isnt around no more. it was also a poster for a music festival up here in wurshingten. pretty groovy and hippy style.
remembering how to post..
a land suit for underwater invaders.
neon knight
another pic done at high speeds, but none the less prolly one of my all time favorites. i had a paper and dice game idea that he was for where i imagined a sort of fantasy battle in a sports arena, with like name brand armor and weapons.
but dont make your eyes strain
stinko, the magic jelly dog
its instupituous
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