Missed out!

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Permalink » 05/09/2006: Missed out!
The Rentals

Also, besides new art, been poking around at music online. A long while back my friend Steve told me about a follow up the Rentals had done to their Return of the Rentals album. Till now though I had never picked it up and now that I have… man! I missed out!

I hope this album got some good support when it did come out in 99′ (I think) but I feel bad for not picking up a copy then. I love this thing, its just fun inspiring music and I can only hope in some form Matt Sharp will continue on with the band despite any problems that may exist or well, Weezer obligations.

Anywho, if you get a chance and liked the first Rentals album, its totally worth a look and listen.

Um… for previews of it find em’ on iTunes or you can always listen at ol’ Amazon.

Conan in Finland on iTunes


Okay, watched the Conan O’Brien in Finland special on Friday and I have to say it was some of the funniest and warmest television I’ve seen in years. I was actually tired from laughing even half way through.

I’m a long time big ol’ fanboy of the show and for anyone that missed this and enjoys the show as well, according to the Late Night site the Finland special will be available for download on iTunes on Tuesday, March 14th. If you have a chance, check it out. Really just plain funny awesome TV.


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Permalink » 02/21/2006: Dofus

Matt sent me a link to this the other day. Looks pretty cool too! Give it a shot for free at their site:  http://www.dofus.com/en/


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Permalink » 02/20/2006: YMCK

A pretty rockin’ Japanese band that uses old video game midi to make catchy tunes. Check them out at their official site: http://www.ymck.net/

Ok Go!

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Permalink » 02/16/2006: Ok Go!
ok go

Rikki poked me the way of Ok Go’s site the other day and these guys new video “A Million Ways” is a pretty awesome piece of backyard dancing.

These guys are great live. Or at very least were the time I saw them open for They Might Be Giants. Though the announcer dropped the ball and announced the wrong band, Ok Go came back gracefully with humor and some rocking pop tunes. Check ’em out!

"Mikes-header" was drawn by Diana Sprinkle and was sadly so amusing Mike left it there.
Theme designed by Shelby. Thank you Shelby! You rock!