Sky Doll

Filed Under » Art
Permalink » 05/09/2006: Sky Doll
Sky Dolls

Okays, another quick sketch here. Had been checking out the Sky Doll graphics. So here’s a quick sketch of Roy and Noa from the book.

I was really impressed with the rendering in this book! Just… WOW! Loved it. Has me looking around for other books. Liking the cute Euro sci-fi thing. Its just got some wonderful scenes and neat characters. Check it out if you have the chance. Here be the straight up site link to the official site which still seems to be under construction:

Just a warning… some robot boobahs! Just sayin!

Off to run in circles again, have a good one all!


Filed Under » Art
Permalink » : FINALLYS! RAR!

Okay, man, work has been so freakin’ hectic! I’ve had no time at all to post. Bleh~

Been busy writing for an upcoming project, workin on video game stuff and getting sketches and designs done which I’ll be posting starting this week.

So first off, here’s a piece I did for a certain friendy-type persony. I believe his name is Tabari and he’s a lesser ice elemental. Ended up being the 3′ 3” fella you see here (He’s no SD!) after he ended up joining a cult thinking he could solve all his problems through them. So just remember kids, don’t join cults! You’ll end up all smooshed-ed!


Filed Under » Art
Permalink » 03/27/2006: Num!
Cinnamon Roll Time!

Okay, been writing a lot, so not as much artin to post, but it’ll be worth it!

Now some scribbling. Our house has had ant problems in the past and they’ve kinda resurged over the past weeks. Sometimes I just don’t have the heart to squish them though. I mean, they look like they’re having little conversations! Can’t interrupt those!

Anywho, here’s how I think one of their conversations might go…

New scribblings

Filed Under » Art
Permalink » 03/15/2006: New scribblings

Sorry for the delay on a new pic. Been busily at work writing and many other things. x_X

Anywho, more scribblings, a big muscley badger girl I had an idea for. Wanted her to be able to handle any creatures that might get out of hand.

Now I rush off again! More soon! Enjoy and um… enjoy more! Woo!

Conan in Finland on iTunes


Okay, watched the Conan O’Brien in Finland special on Friday and I have to say it was some of the funniest and warmest television I’ve seen in years. I was actually tired from laughing even half way through.

I’m a long time big ol’ fanboy of the show and for anyone that missed this and enjoys the show as well, according to the Late Night site the Finland special will be available for download on iTunes on Tuesday, March 14th. If you have a chance, check it out. Really just plain funny awesome TV.

"Mikes-header" was drawn by Diana Sprinkle and was sadly so amusing Mike left it there.
Theme designed by Shelby. Thank you Shelby! You rock!