Wooooo, I’m going to get on a plane today for New York Comic Con. I have no idea what to expect and since it’s just a con for me to wander around and relax I feel uneasy and weird. LOL, the last con I was going to go and relax at, Animefest, I didn’t even manage to get to. Worries. Gah, and it’s going to be cold there so I’ll have to pack my tiny amount of warm clothing.
I should hopefully run into people I know and get to talk to them. Excitement!
I’ll be staying out in New York for an extra week after the con since that was the cheapest plane ticket I could get and my friend out there was very nice to give me a place to stash myself for sleeping. I’m packing some of the manga I couldn’t sell off in Texas to sell to a used bookstore in New York called “Book Off”. I went to them in Japan when I visited and they do have them in the states. I can’t dump this much Japanese manga at a normal used book store so I’m hoping that they’ll buy back this stuff so I won’t have it in my house.
I’ll still be able to get to the internet out there so I should still randomly update.
I’ve been reading a bunch of manga on the internet. I read through all of “Initial D” and really like it. The scanlations stop at book 7 and someone scanned the Tokyopop versions of it up to book 15. They are horrible. Between the typewriter font for square boxed writing (which varies from a character’s thoughts to machine specs of a car), to the characters saying things that are completely out of character, and the added American slang and names… I had a hard time with them.
Needless to say even if I wanted to pick up the English version of the series I probably would rather get them in Japanese and not know what was going on. =/ At least I could enjoy the art, as weird as that is on “Initial D” it’s sort of an old school style though it’s grown on me a lot.
I am amused that “Initial D” is 15 years old and 40 books long… but only a year of real time has passed in the manga. It’s roughly 1996 in the manga but the artist has kind of waved their hands and just gone ahead and included some stuff, like tiny cell phones, that make me think it’s not strictly 1996. The cars are really awesomely drawn in the book. I checked out some other street racing books and honestly the cars seem to be the tough point for a lot of artists. I didn’t realize how good they looked until I compared it to others.
It’s a fun series and I’m not big on street racing or cars honestly. But I really like the set up for the main character and enjoy that he’s generally not a cocky asshole or the awesomely over talented beginner. LOL. The anime has much more even translation… at least subtitled. The dub for it is pretty bad though. And the races are a little easier to understand when you can see the cars moving instead of staring at still images.
Randomly they made a arcade game for “Initial D” where you could play the game in real cars on motion simulators. Which I thoughts was super neat.
Anyway I’m rambling. I thought I’d update you guys and what’s happening before I leave. But I should get back to packing now. =D I hope to see some of you guys in New York.
Oh and these are the last few days of my shirt at woot. If you can, please give me a vote! I’ve been in the fog the whole derby again so I’m hoping I can manage to place with another shirt.

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