14 Karat Gold shirt on sale!

14 Karat Gold shirt on sale!

YAY! So my shirt from the “Gold” derby failed to place in the Double Take derby or get picked as an Editor’s Choice shirt BUT it was picked to be a part of Shirt.woot’s side sale “Mentions of Honor”! It’s going to be on sale until 11:50 PM on Sunday the 23rd! I’m really looking forward to seeing this shirt print since the gold color of the carrots is going to be printed in metallic gold. It’ll look awesome!

A cute white bunny wearing a mining helmet in a cave surrounded by gold colored Carrots hanging from the ceiling and coming up from the floor of the cave. The shirt is black and the gold is printed using metallic gold.
A close up view of the shirt image.

Makes excited noises! Oh check the size chart link at the bottom of the page before you order! Woot changed their shirt blanks earlier in the year and the woman’s sizes are not so tiny anymore (the men’s blanks are about the same)… it’s a sad day though for people that fit into tiny shirts.

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