Death Rides a Pink Pony

Death Rides a Pink Pony

New shirt design for Threadless! Death should have never taken the tooth fairy’s pony to work while his was in the shop.

I’m just waiting for the design to be approved and then people can vote on it. =D So far I haven’t heard anything on my first design “Cute has a flavor.” But frankly I’d be surprised if the first thing I entered to Threadless did get picked for a shirt. If it doesn’t make it to print I’m planning to send it to one of the other sites. Thanks to everyone who’s been voting on these shirts and leaving comments asking about them. =D

Oh, and if you haven’t checked it out please rent the movie “INK.” We watched it yesterday and it was really awesome! It’s all about the people who give you dreams. You can check out the trailer on Youtube. They’re a super small indy urban fantasy film! Totally awesome visuals.

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