Double Take 15 derby shirts

Double Take 15 derby shirts

a collection of shirts that will be up for voting again in the double take.

The shirts are up:

Just A Little Husky:
Cute Has A Flavor:
Super Shiny:
Clean Sweep:

It’s that time again the “Double Take derby” starts Friday at noon and these 5 shirt return once more to be voted on! So if you were sad that these shirts didn’t place last time, at noon on Friday central time the DT derby opens and you can help push these shirts of mine back into the fog.

Most of these shirts did well in there derby so it’ll be interesting to see how they do in the double take. I will post the links for the shirts tomorrow to this image. Fav this and check back or head over to the derby on woot at Friday at noon. Here’s the derby link:

Have fun everyone!

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